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Sunday 23 February 2014

Ramen Review #12: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Flavour

I apologize for having even worse quality photos than usual. My phone broke and it is getting repaired, but won't be back for awhile. Very upsetting.

Frog does not know why Frog bought this flavour. I have not many spicy instant ramen experiences, but those I had were Korean and anyone who ever ate spicy Korean instant ramen will understand. Spicy Korean instant ramen, at least the ones easily available in the Netherlands, are spicy, burning, hot, tears in my eyes hot. I think I bought this and the spicy seafood flavour to have all the flavours I could get for completeness sake. Look forward to the spicy seafood review sometime soon.

Inside the package you will find the usual ramen, a red soup powder packet and a chili sesame oil packet.

The powder inside the soup base packet smells really spicy, but when added to the boiling water there was no overwhelming spicy scent wafting from the pan. The first sip of the broth really surprised me. Totally not what I expected. None of the mouth burning sensations I feared, but a very savory soup base which reminds me a bit of the sesame oil flavour ramen Nissin also makes. There is a very subtle hint of spiciness to it, but it is hardly noticeable. The spiciness does accumulate, but never reaches the level that numbs your mouth.

The base broth has a pretty generic savory flavour with a hint of sweetness and spiciness and will combine well with whatever toppings you would like. The fact that this flavour does not try to numb your mouth makes it a good staple ramen for people who like to have a bit of spice in their foods.

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