
Frog cooks anything you like!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Castella Cake!

My husband left!! Well... he went to a board game convention and I don't really want to spend my days between sweaty board geeks anyway, so he went with one of his friends. He did miss out on the best castella cake I ever made!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Kybyn from Lithuania

*A sweet reader informed me that the current recipe sadly isn't a traditional recipe! He/she mentioned the dough shouldn't contain any yeast and be more buttery. Also pork fillings are not traditional. New recipe will be needed!*

Lately I've been craving salty baked goods. Maybe it is because I've eaten too many danish while trying to make the perfect danish. So on a boring Sunday I couldn't help myself anymore and looked into the fridge. I didn't have much in there, some spring onions, cabbage.... cabbage. Suddenly I remembered a short informative video I saw several times on Discovery Channel about minority people. It was a video about the Karaim in Lithuania and during the few minutes a girl talks about her people and you see shots of her mother making kybyn.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Green Onion Pancakes

Its a beautiful sunday and I was staring into my half-empty fridge. I have ingredients for tonight's homemade pizza dinner and also the stuff I need for monday's beef stew. And then I found some green onions that have been sitting in my fridge for almost too long... What to do with some green onions? Green onion pancakes!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Visiting Parents - Danish Pastry

Tomorrow I'll be visiting my parents, together with my sisters. My family was big to start with (I have four older sisters) and as we all got older boyfriends/husbands came into the picture. Now I also have a lot of little nephews and one precious little niece! That makes a loud bunch of people and also a lot of mouths to shove my experimental baking into! So I set out to bake Danish pastry today. I've been trying to bake some decent Danish for about a week now. I've tried a few recipes on the internet and watched a few video's on YouTube about the flaky buttery goodness, but I haven't been able to make a really good batch yet.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Frog and Melon Pan

I must explain something about myself here. I am an obsessive baker. Obsessive as in: I do not stop till I succeed in baking whatever I'm baking. Sometimes that means I make an recipe over and over again for weeks, till I get it right. Often it also means I harass my husband into driving me to the supermarket 10 minutes before closing time to buy eggs or other ingredients.