
Frog cooks anything you like!

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Homemade Spiced Rice Cakes

Last time I posted something was 2 years ago... I shall shameless ignore that fact and share a recipe/technique I recently discovered.

I love the rice cakes with flavorings on top. They are called differently around the world. Here they are called Snack-a-Jacks. Quaker seems to produce most of them around the world. I love the ones I can get in the supermarket, but the only savory flavors I can get here are cheese or BBQ... and I want more for less! So after a bit of experimenting I figured how to get the spice blend to stick to the rice cakes and it is rather simple: water.

Wetting the rice cakes with water will make the surface slightly sticky. Just sticky enough for a fine powder to stick to. I personally enjoy making a spice blend with some nutritional yeast for a nutty, cheesy flavor and also added nutrition.

Rice cakes
Your own favorite spice blend

What you will need:
Spray bottle for water
Some foil or other something to cover your baking tray

1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius or 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Line your baking tray with foil or something else to cover. I prefer foil, because it does not get soggy during the next steps.

3. Line up your rice cakes on the foil.

4. Use the spray bottle to evenly spray all the rice cakes with water.

5. Sprinkle your spice blend on them. I use an old paprika powder container.

6. Spray some more water on top of the spices.

7. Bake the rice cakes for 8 to 10 minutes or until completely dry.

8. Let cool on a wire rack and enjoy!

Thursday 1 January 2015

Tuna Salad

I mentioned my favourite tuna salad in a previous post and promised to share with you my recipe. So I finally decided to make a batch!

The recipe is based on a tuna mixture a Dutch deparment store uses. I'm not sure what is exactly in their mix, but it tastes very similar to me. It is also a very easy recipe. There is no real set amount, you can adjust the amounts to your own liking.


Canned tuna, doesn't matter if it is tuna in oil or tuna in water
Salt and Pepper

1. Strain the tuna until all moisture is gone.
2. Meanwhile dice the tomato, onion and apple finely, or as large as you like.
3. Mix the tuna, tomato, onion, apple and mayonnaise. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise as you mix.
4. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Put the tuna mixture on sandwiches or baguettes. It goes well with any kind of bread. I topped this sandwich with some rucola (aka arugula, or salad rocket) mix and some tomatoes for some extra vegetables, but the tuna is also delicious on its own.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Monday 26 May 2014